Monday, February 15, 2021

Thin Place


Perhaps you are familiar with the idea of thin places, where one feels as if they have one foot on the earth and one foot in heaven.  It can happen in so many life situations and I myself have felt that way many times. From being held by a loved one to walking the cliffs of Inis Mor Island, it is a powerful, other worldly experience. And now, as I await the birth of a new grandchild, I am in a thin place once again.

Early on the morning of February 17 our granddaughter is scheduled to be born in Colorado.  This knowing that a new being will enter the world 2 days from now is a thin place for me.  The earthly part is substantial-surgery, with all the preparation, risk and recovery it involves.  And the heavenly? That's more difficult to wrap my mind around, but my heart knows it is true.  A new little person, one of God's beloved, is on her way.

How well I remember the first time I saw Zev and Ari.  For Zev, I walked up the outside stairs, schlepping my luggage, and standing in the door was my beautiful daughter holding her newborn boy. A piece of heaven, my heart overflowing.  And Ari?  Bill and I held him the day he was born. What else can I say? New life, firsthand.

This time we are 1600 miles away and due to Covidtide I will not be able to go and be with them.  I grieve, I pray, I look forward to holding her, and I wait, in this thin place.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Ode to Wendell Berry


When I despair I gather myself,

put the dog on a leash and

head out the door.

Walking thru a grassy field

I hurry

to the creek.

Hundreds of geese are honking

as they welcome each other back

from a day in the fields.

Overhead the buzzards circle

before smoothly landing

in just one lone pine.

I like to think they are

settling in for teatime

or happy hour.

This is the setting each winter

no matter the pandemic,

the unrest,

my personal despair.

Life goes on as I continue

to take comfort from

the routines of nature,

of which I am a part.

                                Inspired by Wendell Berry's The Peace of Wild Things