Sunday, September 30, 2018


For almost thirty years I have been working on Sunday mornings as an organist and choir director.  I've made the rounds thru the denominations-Methodist, United Church of Christ, Episcopal- and although one should not think of this work as a performance, any wrong notes, missed entrances or hymnals falling across the keys are heard.  It's understandable, don't you think, that I might be just a bit nervous or anxious each week?

I can't quite remember how it started, but shortly after I began working in the church I had coffee each Sunday morning in the above mug.  This habit quickly turned into a superstition, as in I can't play if I don't use this mug!  At times I've even grabbed it out of an unsuspecting guest's hand, having to sheepishly explain.

Soon after Bill and I married in 1983 we took a trip to England which included a tour and Evensong at Canterbury Cathedral.  That's where I bought this beautiful mug with a Celtic design and somehow it just seemed to be the right one for Sunday mornings.  Several months ago it chipped badly and that was the beginning of the end. Eventually it slipped from my hand into the sink and shattered.

Knowing we were going to Ireland in a few months I searched thru the cabinet for a temporary substitute. For awhile I used a pretty deep purple mug-a good liturgical color, right?

I had fun looking in the Irish shops for just the right new Sunday mug...but I couldn't find it.  Everything looked like touristy gift shop, if you know what I mean.  I was sure I'd know it when I saw it and had resigned myself to looking at some Irish sites online when we returned.

The day we left Ireland we arrived at Shannon airport with loads of time on our hands and guess what- a gift shop with beautiful, quality woolens, sterling silver jewelry and Belleek china.  I spied the mug immediately- a lovely creamy bone china with a Trinity knot.  It fit perfectly in my hand and I had not a moment's doubt.